Hiking in the Rocky Mountain Area

Moraine Lake

If you love the great outdoors then you simply have to try hiking Rocky Mountain style; the Rocky Mountain National Park offers over three hundred miles of hiking trails through spectacular scenery and over a variety of terrain that will suit hikers of all abilities and levels of experience, even family groups.

There really is so much to see and experience when hiking the Rocky Mountain that it would be impossible to tell you all of it here; instead, let me give you a flavour of some of the range of Rocky Mountain’s hiking trails, by taking you through the highlights of some of the popular and worthwhile routes. Each route is named by the place at the head of the trail, for easy reference.

Deer Mountain
Deer Mountain is approximately a three mile one-way trail which is very hot and exposed in summer so make sure you have adequate sun protection. This trail is well worth the trip to if you want to see some of the bigger wildlife; as you might expect from the name, deer but also moose and elk are to be found along this trail. For another day’s hiking of the Rocking Mountain, trails can take you bear spotting too. To find the best ways to see the wildlife, you should consult a ranger in the Rocky Maintain; hiking can get you close, but you also want to be safe.

Sprague Lake Loop
For those of you who prefer to take Rocky Mountain hiking at a more leisurely pace, try a one mile stroll along the Sprague Lake Loop. The fishing is good there too.

Little Yellowstone
If you choose this trail for your hiking, Rocky Mountain yields some unique geological features well worth a visit. If you thought you needed to visit Yellowstone for the Grand Canton features, think again. This may be a scaled down version but it is none the less spectacular for that.

Bowen and Baker Gulch
When you are hiking Rocky Mountain, this trail takes you through a range of forests and easy tundra hikes that range from under a mile to a substantial hike of ten miles or more. The scenery is stunning and will take you to remote lakes and rare flora which you won’t see anywhere else. Also, whether you like your hiking hard-core or if you are new to hiking or you are less mobile and/or less adventurous, you’ll find plenty in this area to keep you gasping in wonder and reaching got your camera. You can even take the kids along in safety.

So Rocky Mountain hiking is not all about climbing and strenuous effort but it is a rich and varied experience that anyone can enjoy, no matter what your level of fitness.

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